The Kayonza Smart Irrigation project is installed at Rwinkwavu Sector in Rwanda.  The project caters to a  farming community along the Nayakora river.  Earlier, a few  farmers used diesel pumps to irrigate their field from the river water, which was expensive. Now, water is sold to the farmers as a service by a local Aquapreneur, who operates it as a micro-enterprise. A 5hp solar pump with Smart AQUAnet™ serves 17 farmers holding 18 hectares of land. The farmers are  charged based on the quantity of water consumed. 


The concept of shared irrigation as a paid utility service for the farmers was introduced. Achieving water efficiency through technology as well as through sustainable practices by the farmers is also being introduced. Since its commissioning, the system has been operating successfully and has resulted in the desired positive outcomes – empowering the farmers with sustainable irrigation.