SunMoksha’s smart village builds around the vision of “PURA” (Provisioning Urban amenities for Rural Areas), a comprehensive model proposed by Late Dr. APJ Kalam. The model addresses the elements of PURA through various hard interventions, such as sustainable smart agriculture, water sufficiency, rural industry, locally relevant livelihood, energy sufficiency, waste management, health services, education & skill development, e-Governance, and improved digital connectivity. Additionally, soft interventions, such as good governance, sanitation, civic services, along with climate change adaptation are also considered. SunMoksha Smart Village moves the villagers up the value chain to improve the socio-economic status of its citizens leading to the attainment of Mahatma Gandhi’s ‘Gram Swaraj’, at the same time, maintaining a balance amongst people, planet and progress. Creation of livelihood and enterprise activities through sustainable resources, in turn, reduces the pressure on agriculture and land, and leads to triple-bottom-line impact, as well as, prevents migration of youth from rural to urban areas
Development of Smart VIllages is a journey, and SunMoksha enables it through its multiple technology-enabled interventions.